Found out the sex... but can't tell until Christmas!
So I found out the sex of the baby this week but Brian doesn't want to know yet.... I mean he does but he wants to find out in a special way. I guess I never knew how sentimental he is! I'm going to my folks' house a week before Christmas and my mom and I are making a baby quilt together. Brian asked me to wrap the quilt and give it to him on Christmas morning. While it's killing me to not tell him, I think this is such a cute idea! It just makes Christmas that much more exciting. I can't wait!!
Not a great blogger... I admit
So I'm going to try and do better with the whole blogging thing. It is a good way for people to stay caught up so I'm making the effort.
And in the spirit of keeping everyone updated... we are expecting our first baby! I'm not quite sure how far along I am but I think it's somewhere around 9 weeks. I'll see my OB in a few weeks to find out for sure. Now let's be honest, the beginnings of pregnancy are not nice. Morning sickness completely bites!, you're supposed to increase your caloric intake but can't keep anything down, and the only thing that typically does stay down is carbs!! I haven't yet puked my current favorite meal which is whole wheat toast with peanut butter and milk or oj. I got some medication last week that seems to be helping so even though it's pricey, it's SO worth it until this phase is over. I'm sure Brian is ready for something different as well. He's enjoying morning sickness about as much as I am!
I stole the idea for the babystrology icon from my friend, Tera who is due in a couple of months. Our baby isn't exactly cute yet... he/she needs several more weeks of development, but we love him/her just the same.
I'll keep you all posted as things progress. Just for the record, Jebs (Brian) is pretty sure it's a boy. We'll see!
What a perfect day
Broken down in Uganda

On our way to Sipi Falls, our taxi driver kept running out of gas. He would only put in a couple of dollars of gas at a time and it was making us nuts!
Honeymoon in Africa
We spent 3 weeks in Africa for our honeymoon. The first two weeks were spent in Kenya working with World of Difference, building a school they had previously started 2 years ago. The third week was purely vacation and we spent that week in Uganda. We rafted the Nile river, repelled a 300 ft. waterfall, kayaked in the Indian Ocean and had some interesting and often frightening experiences as a result of crazy cab drivers and the hotel in which we stayed in Kampala! We wanted to go back this year but it wasn't possible. We're crossing our fingers for another adventure in Africa someday!
Stacey's B&B

Stacey has theme rooms in her house. Brian and I stayed in the Log Cabin Room this summer... cozy fake fire, hot chocolate. She even had smores waiting for us when we arrived. Just down the hall, Richard was welcomed into his Beach House suite with a pina colada poured into a gutted pineapple. What service! If you're ever in Logan, let me know. I could probably get you a screamin deal.